Get involved!

I want this website to develop into a huge collection of SSDD problems that we can all use with our students. But that can only happen if people are willing to create questions and share answers. So, if you want to get involved with either, then I would love to hear from you.

Creating SSDD Problems
Please ensure they meet the following criteria

  • Four questions, each of which has a very similar surface structure, but which has 4 different deep structures
  • Please send them on a PowerPoint with a 4:3 ratio (standard, not wide screen) slide that contains all 4 questions on it. There is a simple template to download here in case it is useful.
  • If you could also include your answers on a separate slide, then I would be eternally grateful šŸ™‚

When writing these myself, instead of thinking of topics I find it more useful to think of a shape, image or context first, and then think of topics from there. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild. This is a great thing to do with colleagues in a departmental meeting or during an Inset, or with your students in class.

Writing answers to existing problems
We all know how much time it saves us busy teachers when we have access to the answer to a set of problems. So, if you spot some problems on the site without answers, it would be amazing if you could create some. Hand write them or type them, and email them to me in any format, and I will add them to the site.

Please email me your submissions to mrbartonmaths @ (but leave out the spaces!). I am eternally grateful for your support šŸ™‚